The Difference Between Braids and Weaves

· braid ideas,sew in styles,virgin human hair,fashion,braids

When your natural hair requires a break from the elements and the strain of daily styling and blow drying, braids or weave can be the ideal solution. Perming and styling your hair can cause significant breakage and damage to the follicles. Many women find themselves in the position of wanting to rest their natural hair while being protected by a braided hairstyle. Many ladies have debated whether to go with braids or weaves for their 8-week styling and combing through their tangles. Both styles, technically, have braids incorporated into them. In weaved styles, however, your natural hair is braided up in a flat sew in braid pattern.

1. What Kind Of Lifestyle Are You Used To?

virgin human hair

Which style is you needed braids or weave

Is your day frantic? Do you have 30-40 minutes in the morning for hair extensions? Do you work out frequently? Do you need the time you'd spend pressing and curling your hair to get to work or make breakfast? Braids allow women to significantly reduce the time they spend styling their hair in the morning. On the other hand, weaves can provide a style similar to natural hair, especially if 100% virgin human hair is used. A weave can be styled in infinite ways and has nearly the same flexibility as your natural, free-flowing hair.

2. Which Impression best represents your style?

sew in styles

Braid or weave style for elagnt look

A well-kept weave can give off a structured, polished, and classy appearance. Weaves that are well-styled reflect an attitude in which the wearer pays close attention to detail, spends time on maintenance, and makes an effort to look good. Braids can be done in different styles. You can also do single braids all over your head, allowing you to create various styles, from down to up-do's. It is up to you to determine which style accurately conveys your style while keeping your comfort level in mind. This allows you to create stunning sew in styles with braids and weave hair.

3. What Is Your Level of Comfort?

different braid styles

Fabulous braid styles to wear

The weight of braid virgin hair extensions can make some people feel weighed down. Some women can't stand being unable to access their scalp in certain areas while wearing a weave. On the one hand, braids can be bulky at night and interfere with a good night's sleep. On the other hand, weave styles can be itchy and difficult to dry thoroughly, especially after working out. It all comes down to your level of comfort. Both styles keep your natural hair protected from the elements. The answer is just a matter of personal preference.


Human hair tracks are usually sewn onto the cornrows to cover your real hair while still giving the appearance of free-flowing hair. On the other hand, different braid styles typically include synthetic hair braided in with your natural hair, giving it a fuller appearance while providing a protective barrier between your hair and the elements. The above three straightforward factors determine which style is best for you.